New York Fashion Week Show on Timessquare

What can be the most spectacular location for my fashion show? Right, Timessquare! Millions of people saw my designs on an incredible location that was definitly one highlight of my life. When I think back when I started art and design I would have never expect this ever to happen. I was more than excited and enjoyed every second of the event so much.

My message of the Fabelwesen Collection is that we can all be what we want to be! Feel free to express yourself because you are perfect the way you are. To hear the huge audience scream for the models on the runway was overwheling and so empowering for all of us! Some voices in the audience said: “Thats new, I never saw something like that before…I love it.” ” A fantasy, I got it, its amazing”

You know what I love most about the shows is to see the excitement of the models who has chosen their own costume from me, that they make it their own and loving it is an energy that is very present on stage. I really love the aspect of participation in the process, because they are the ones presenting the designs. When they feel the positive reaction of the audience this is a gift you take with yourself and it is absolutely empowering. Sometimes an person is insecure and by feeling so uplifted by the audience is giving you a lot of confidence. If I can make that possible for a single person, all the efford is so worth it!

The Show on Timessquare

The Showopener Morales Bejay and the amazing Calyah Cooper, the audience was cheering so loud for them I was really overwhelmed and more that happy to hear this reaction from them.

Samara and Britt Klocko

Ellie Ramos and Breann Blazys

Mya Moretto and Kamani Stamps

Dr. Latoya Williams and Julia Chang

Deveney Shea and Shelby Lynn

Amanda Jean and Zhyalia Ed

Kinsley Grace and the Showstopper Christa Arthur

What an incredible moment in our lifes!

Headdress Collection for Rojen Morris Show on New York Timessquare

Once more I had the honour to produce a headdress collection for Rojen Morris couture line. I created angel wings that are dedicated to my beloved grandma in heaven. She was the most inspiring and loving person. Always believeing in me and my creative way.

The collection shall make aware that beloved persons of our life are always with us in the love they gave us and in the love we have for them, they still live on. A piece of them is always alive in our hearts and their influence on our way is a light that shines forever! Thank you so much Rojen Morris for making this possible.

Kinsley Grace and Zhyalia Ed

Breann Blazys and Samara

Volka Siamaska and Kalyah Cooper

Me in my own design, Rojen Morris the producer and gown designer, Zylaia Ed

Thank you

I want to thank everyone who was a part and made that show happend an Fashion Week experience! Thank you to the amazing Moderation by Sweetzfly you have been so empowering! Thank you ROJEN Morris -Designer who made all this possible and suprised me with the amazing screen and music for my own show!

I want to thank:

Lothario DeAmour

@the legacy_builders_family




Dj: Dj Brooklyn Rich Mix Page

Hair and Makeup: Josie’s Faces

Producer: @Rojen Morris

Star Dreamers Productions Runway International

A special thanks goes to the iconic designer Isla Brooklyn Jewlery for being so supportive!

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