The Red Rose Costume

I created the red Rose Costume für the “Bepstyle Fotoshoot” a amazing fotoshooting organized by Bep Welters. She is an amazing creative woman and she is having a Shop for Hats and Costumes, she is all ovber Europe in the Fantasy and Cosplay Scene on Festivals. At Annotopia she asked me if i want to join and make Fotoshoots with her.

I really didnt know if i will be able to be a Modell at a real professional shooting, but she was so supportive and positive that i started creating my costume for the Fotoshoot.

I knew the fotoshooting is at a amazing Castle in the Netherlands “Kasteel old Soultebourght”, and its a very special castle because the Owner build everything with his own hands.

The perfect spot to start for me because he is the proof no dream in life is too big to become true if you just follow it.

Process of the Costume

My vision was a kind of red rose princess but not too sweet, i wanted to have Horns and Thorns. So it might be a mix of Fairy and Dark Queen.

Here is the making of:

The Fotoshooting

I really never expect this all what was happening. When i arrived i emidiatly felt absolutely comfortable Bep Welters and the Models and Photographers were so relaxed and positive. I was able to meet the owner and he loved the costume i made for his castle that was giving me so much energy.

With the Fotographer Brian Morgan I started the first fotoshooting round. I felt absolutely great and it was so natural to pose and work with him. He showed me the first results and i was becoming much more confident with the posing and process. And he was also amazing tolerant to allow me creating my own digital Art with his original Fotos. This is one of his and my results:

Brian Morgan Antje Art

Giel Ketting

Also Giel Ketting made some awesome Pictures of me and i can say he is a Master of the light. He had some Lamps with him and i really love how the results came out.

Henk van de Kaa

The amazing Forografer Henk van de Kaa catched some pictures of me, i think they are almost like a painting. He had exact visions of pictures in his mind and was tellin me how to pose to get that on camera. I really was learning so much about posing from him and im so thankful because this is my new treasure now.

Brian Morgans Post&Pictues of me in Prestige Model Magazine

Now one or let me say a lot of things happend when Brian Morgan posted the first picture of me and tagged my Facebook Name “Antje Art”. First of all the Account explodet, i got like 100 requests and Friendshipinvites…in a minute. I might have 20 Friends befor and maybe 1 or 2 likes for something. I thought that is my time. I posted everything i was creating 2 posts a day to fill this emty account with life.

The next thing happening was that Brian Morgan just gave my pictures to The Austrian Model Magazine “Prestige Models” and they took me for the Red Edition…oh great i took the right colour choise^^

From this Post on i have a new level of my Design ambitions. I took Antje Art which was just my account name as Artist and Brandname and saved it by Law. I designed a new Logo out of Brians picture, maybe you notice which one is the Original.

I can never thank Bep Welters, Brian Morgan, Henk van de Kaa and Giel Ketting enough for making all this what is happening now come alife. I have a lot of request for fotoshooting and projects. I was even asked to create and show my Headresses at the New York Fashion week in September… but this…is another Story^^

Thank you so much for reading and hopefully enjoying this Story of ” believe in your Dreams and follow them”.